My mission is to impact and empower breast cancer survivors through encouragement, community and all things health & fitness!
As a survivor, my family and I were directly impacted by the effects of breast cancer. I experienced firsthand the effects and major challenges of, not only cancer, but also the "after math" of cancer.
However, I also experienced the true BENEFITS of having a positive mindset, good nutrition and staying active through it all.
I now help survivors experience the same benefits and learn how to thrive in the aftermath of cancer. (check out my blog on what this is!)
Join our community of survivors as we combat the effects and challenges that come with being a survivor.
Here, we encourage, support & motivate each other to live healthier lives, improve our quality of life and start RISING ABOVE whatever life's thrown our way!
Get Moving!
A positive, encouraging community full of women looking to feel better, get moving and live their best lives!

About Lisa
Health and fitness has been a lifestyle and a passion of mine for many years. From playing volleyball through college to competing as a professional figure competitor (in the world of bodybuilding) to fitness modeling along with being a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, health and fitness is my life.
Because I lived such a healthy lifestyle, receiving a breast cancer diagnosis at the age of 32 came as a total shock (even more so because I was still nursing my son, going on almost 2 years). Despite all that I've gone through, I know there is always purpose in the pain and I am grateful for the journey because my experience has ignited a new passion to help other cancer survivors in ways that were extremely helpful to me!
Click HERE to read my story.

Please contact us if you have questions/comments or would like to get involved in any way!